Regional Centres facilitate integration of learning contents created in educational, research, cultural and heritage institutions across the states and union territories of India through NDLI. Regional Centres also promote usage of NDLI portal among different kinds of user communities in their respective regions.
A regional centre has the following responsibilities:
- To promote NDLI in the region and to source local language contents
- Provide support and assistance to Institutes in the region to set up IDR as per NDLI metadata schema, to create/curate metadata as per NDLI schema and norms, to carry out Quality Assurance (QA) checks of the metadata prior to ingestion, ingest contents in the IDR and make the IDR harvestable by NDLI
- Sensitize institutes unable to set up an IDR due to budget or IT manpower constraints about the availability of NDLI IDR Service to make their IDR operational.
- Create/curate metadata of all books, question papers, solutions etc. published by School Boards of the region (for all languages in which contents are published by the Boards) and ingest these in an IDR Service set up for collating content with metadata by NDLI
- Assist NDLI in development of User Interfaces (UI) in local languages of the region by translating UI vocabularies in local languages
- Conduct User Workshops for Users from various communities of the region
- Acquaint various user communities of the region about NDLI and facilitate/popularize its use

North-East Regional Centre
Guwahati – 781039, India.
Phone: +91-361-2582116.
Mobile: +91-8136097192.

South Regional Centre, Kotturpuram
Chennai - 600025, India.
Phone: +91-44-22201011