Short-Term Course on Open Source Software for Library Management (OSSLM-2023)

- July 24, 2023 - July 29, 2023
- 10:00 AM
- Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
- +91-3222-282435
Theme of the Short Term Course
the Short Term Course is to provide theoretical foundation as well as hands-on training on some of these software to the library and information
professionals working in India and abroad.
There are data wrangler tools like openRefine, AWS, Trifacta. Library also require to submit various statistics regarding faculty
publications for institutional ranking purpose.
Library plays a crucial role in providing seamless access to information, effectively
managing huge digital information base, supports lifelong learning, catering the
day-to-day information requirement of the users, educating users regarding various
research tools and so forth. In order to fulfill the need of the users, library professionals
should keep abreast of the latest technological development in the field of information
processing and delivery. The week-long short-term course aims to develop a sound
knowledge base of the users through a few theoretical lectures (20%) and followed by
hands-on-training (80%) to make the technology usable. Constant leveraging the
technology learned in the workshop will definitely strive to server the organizations or
institute in a better way. As IIT Kharagpur is hosting National Digital Library of India
(NDLI), participants will have an added advantage to know more about the
functionalities and operations of the digital library and they can take expert opinion and
service from us.
Due to worldwide open access initiatives, not only digital resources including books and
technical articles, but many useful open-source software and tools are also available that
can be harnessed to successfully and cost-effectively run the modern libraries. It is
well-know that the major functions of academic and research libraries are: a)
developing collection blended with print and digital; b) managing these huge collection
through integrated library management system(ILMS); c) managing institutional
repository (IDR); d) providing reference services or digital reference service; e) various
specialized database services; f) knowledge about digital copyright law; and g)
managing its own websites for showcasing to the users on the resources and services of
what the library has! Besides these regular activities, academic libraries and researchers
are involved in managing huge data. Data management involves data acquisition,
filtering, manipulating, storage and providing seamless access to the users. There are
data wrangler tools like openRefine, AWS, Trifacta. Library also require to submit various
statistics regarding faculty publications for institutional ranking purpose. In order to
support this, various tools and techniques on bibliometric analysis will be covered using
open source software bibliometrixR. Also, a few data visualization tools like Pajek,
VOSViewer, CiteSpace, Gephi, Sci2 will be covered in the course.
The main theme of the Short Term Course is to provide theoretical foundation as well as
hands-on training on some of these software to the library and information
professionals working in India and abroad. The Short Term Course intends to cover the
essential concepts and technologies for smooth functioning and building a Smart
Library. A true hands-on training will be imparted to all the participants enabling them
for installation, configuration and running some of the essential open source software in
their libraries.
Our Objectives
Some of the major objectives of this event would be as under:
- To provide intensive hands-on-training to the participants on Library Automation using KOHA (latest version).
- To harness modern library tools and technologies including AI/ML, AR-VR for enhancing value to the library services;
- To enable the participants in creating and maintaining an institutional digital repository (IDR) at their own;
- To provide advance level training on creating digital library services using CMS and web-site design;
- To develop the technological skills to the participants through hands-on training on various aspects and issues of the modern libraries.
- To provide hands-on training on bibliometric analysis using open source software bibliometrixR.
OSSLM-2023 Brochure
How can we help you?
If you have any inquiries regarding National Digital Library of India (NDLI), please feel free to contact us
Phone: +91-3222-282435