Prof. Kalyan Prasad Sinhamahapatra Chairman, Central Library, and Prof. Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
Research Areas
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- DNS and LES
- Fluid Structure Interaction
- Jet Control and Aeroacoustics
- Low Reynolds No. Aerodynamics
Selected Publications
- Unsteady aerodynamic calculations using three-dimensional Euler equations on unstructured dynamic grids Sinhamahapatra K.P. By The Aeronautical Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society 106 (1059) – (2002)
- Slosh dynamics of inviscid fluids in 2-dimensional tanks of various geometries using finite element method Mitra S., Upadhyay P.P., and Sinhamahapatra K.P. By International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 56 (9) – (2008)
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Professor Sinhamahapatra has an extensive as well as intensive experience of research of over 30 years in the fields of computational aerodynamics and fluid dynamics. During this prolonged period he has been actively engaged in applied as well as fundamental research in several branches of fluid dynamics that include invscid flows, boundary layers, viscous-inviscid interaction, CFD algorithms for low- and high-speed flows, domain decomposition and grid generation, flow-induced vibration, fluid-structure interaction, reactive flows, bluff body flows, vortex tubes, large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulence, computational aeroacoustics and wind engineering. Large eddy simulation, aeroacoustics and internal flows are his current areas of interest.
Joint-PI of National Digital Library Project funded by Ministry of Education,
Professor Sinhamahapatra is actively involved in sponsored research, industrial consultancy and collaborative works. He has completed about 30 sponsored projects funded by several reputed organizations which include BARC, ISRO, DRDO and Indian Railways, amongst others. He took the leading role in setting up an excellent computing facillity, a nodal centre of CFD, with the financial support from AR&DB, ADA and other organizations. He is also involved in collaborative research and development with several aerospace industries and research agencies such as HAL, ADA, DRDL, GTRE and others.
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