UNESCO-NDL India International Conference on Knowledge Engineering for Digital Library Design

- October 25, 2017 - October 27, 2017
- 10:00 AM
- New Delhi
- +91-3222-282435
The Workshop was oganised to deliberate on the state-of- the-art technology, practices, and policies as internationally accepted and available in the domain of digital libraries and establish connections among digital library professionals. It is expected that the Workshop will lead to establishment of a forum of professionals of the international digital library communiry for regular and sustained interactions towards development of the profession.
- Digital Library Technologies
- Standards and Interoperability
- Search and Information Retrieval
- Designing for the User
- Access & Rights
- World Digital Libraries
Participating Libraries, Projects
- Europeana Foundation (EU, The Netherlands)
- National Library of New Zealand (DigitaINZ)
- National Library of Australia (TROVE)
- Tainacan Project (Brazil)
- German Digital Library
- National Library of The Netherlands
- National Library of South Africa
- National Library of Nepal
- British Library (UK)
- Google Scholar
- Microsoft Academic
- Participants from Belgium, Canada, USA, Bangladesh
Al Amin Yusuph (UNESCO)
Brendon McKinley (National Library of Australia)
C.V. Jawahar (IIT Hyderabad)
Al Amin Yusuph (UNESCO)
Brendon McKinley (National Library of Australia)
C.V. Jawahar (IIT Hyderabad)
How can we help you?
If you have any inquiries regarding National Digital Library of India (NDLI), please feel free to contact us
Phone: +91-3222-282435
e-mail: ndl-support@iitkgp.ac.in